- Made in Taiwan
- A high security lock based on rotating disc principle providing a virtual pick proof operation. Suitable for lockers, cash boxes, mail boxes, tool boxes, furniture cabinets, storage chests, vending machines, laundry and similar equipment
- Design for mailbox / drawer / cabinet with depth (D) equals to 18mm ONLY
- Mounting hole's flat sides MUST be positioned at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock
- Anti-drilling, anti-picking, anti-rust and adverse weather conditions
- Adopts key retaining technology i.e. unable to remove key when the cam lock is in unlocked position (Security feature)
- No pins are used in this lock making it an excellent lock for hash environment conditions
- Brass lock housing and cylinder
- Shiny chrome finishing
- 3 spare keys are included
#DHES #DragonHardwareElectricalServices #hardwarestore #hardware #hardwareshop #diyproject #homerenovation #interiordesign #homedecors #hellosingapore #renotalk #hardwarezone #supportlocalsg #supportlocalbusiness #CamLock #Reallock #Detained #Retained #MadeInTaiwan #RL8041 #CabinetLock #LetterBoxLock
REAL 18mm 3 – 12 High Security Detained Disc Cam Lock Made In Taiwan 8041
Key Duplication
- Duplicated keys are guaranteed to work i.e. able to open & lock the Real cam lock
- Duplicated key(s) cannot be refunded